Writing Starts From A Dot (丶)


Chinese characters and words are drawing lines on paper or other flat surfaces. There are 4 basic strokes: ‘一丨丿丶’, each stroke has its extensions, which are all listed in following table, these basic and extended strokes formed all Chinese characters and words.

No. Basic stroke Printable Extensions All Extensions 
1 乛フ乁乙 11
2 丨亅乚 21
3 丿 丿く 41
4 丶乀 51

This article is to explain writing order of simple Chinese characters and words, their first strokes are a Dot (丶). dot is a light in and heavy end stroke.

Basically Chinese writing is from left to right (→) and up to down (↓), but there are more practical knowledge need to be added in to form complete Chinese writing skills.

In this article, we use color to indicate stroke's writing order, red is the first stroke, followed by green as second stroke, then blue as third, simply as RGB.

Following table has 8 characters (丶冫丷氵辶灬火心), each writing starts from a dot‘丶’which is a light in heavy end stroke,writing order is indicated by color RGB.

No. Character Image
1 21
2 冫讠 2221
3 氵辶 2321
4 灬火 2424
5 25

Following 6 simple words are composed with ‘丶冫丷氵辶灬火心’characters, each writing order is indicated by color RGB.

No. Word Image Characters
1 2321
2 2521
3 2521
4 222122
5 2424
6 242421 丿

Practice 8 characters (丶冫丷氵辶灬火心) writing first, then write words with these characters.

The writing skills you learn here can apply to other Chinese words.


More information:

1. 6 Hours to Master Writing & Typing

2. 10 Hours to Speak in Native Chinese Tones

3. Writing Starts From Horizontal Stoke(一)

4. Writing Starts From Vertical Stoke(丨)

5. Writing Starts From Left-Falling Stoke(丿)

6. Writing Starts From Dot(丶)

7. HeChinese Guide